Moss Week

Everywhere is an abundance of moss at the moment and it looks so ancient and peaceful so I decided to check out what moss was all about and did some research. As always the research turned up lots of interesting facts. I did consider whether to do an indoor display of moss but I think it looks best outside. One of the interesting things I came across is that there are actually some inner city moss 'trees' being created to help absorb pollution! Moss requires shade and water to thrive and so not usually found in the city BUT somebody has worked out how to make a structure or even sculpture with some shade and water reservoir and these have the ability to soak up more pollution than hundreds of trees. The photo above looks fabulous it is on one of my walks with Wallace and its part of a bridge next to a stream where Wallace often jumps in for a drink (I know he has to jump in to drink!!) It is castellated so it looks great all covered in moss. When I was a Brownie Guide I was...